The Evangelical Seminary of the Caribbean
San Juan, Puerto Rico
My first experience teaching outside of the US came in 1999. Kay & I were doing some ministry in conjunction with Christian Counseling International. One of the conferences that CCI hosted featured a pastor from San Juan Puerto Rico. He had started a Bible College at his church in San Juan and was in need of qualified people to travel to San Juan to teach a two week short term intensive class at the college. When he found out that I was a seminary Professor he asked me to come and teach a 2 week intensive class in Theology. I was thrilled.
I got permission from my employer Western Seminary to go and teach. I taught for 3 hours 5 nights per week. Kay went with me. As an MK who had been born in South America she spoke the language– I took French in High School –not Spanish. The experience opened my eyes to the need for teaching outside the US. It also resurrected a long dormant desire that had been planted when I was in High School–to be an overseas missionary.
While that was a one-shot opportunity the desire had been re-awakened. Little did I know that this would give me a chance to see the world!