Pacific Islands University Seminary
Mangilao, Guam
One of my former students from my years teaching at Simpson College had gone on to seminary and become a missionary in Guam. His goal was to start a seminary under the auspices of Pacific Islands University– but he had no one to teach the Theology and Church history classes. Would I come? The answer was an enthusiastic yes! For the next 10 years I taught at Pacific Islands University Seminary, making two trips per year, alternating between a year teaching Theology and followed by teaching Church History the following year. About six years ago Dr. Dave Owen, the President of PIU who over the course of several years had become my best friend asked me to assume the role of Dean of the Seminary–the seminary was small and did not require a full time administrator. With the development of online communications via the Internet I was able to do administrative work for the seminary from here in the in the States.
Pastors in Guam have little to no theological training. Pacific Islands Evangelical Seminary has provided the opportunity for pastoral and theological training on Guam and throughout Micronesia. The student body has been eclectic. There have been pastors from the Island of Guam, one student came from India, some of the students have been Korean. (There are a significant number of Korean Christians on Guam. In fact, PIU’s new President is Korean although she was raised on Guam.)
My teaching in Guam has also allowed me to fulfill a longtime desire. To learn SCUBA diving. One of our adjunct faculty at the University is a former Navy Seal. In fact, he was the diver that popped the hatch on one of the Apollo missions.
My second year teaching at the Seminary, I was able to get my SCUBA certification. The following year I qualified for advanced certification. While I am in Guam I have evening classes–that leaves my days free to find a partner with whom to go diving during the daylight hours. In fact, Kay has also become a certified diver who loves the sport too. Guam is the perfect place to go diving. The water temperature is usually at least 78o and often over 80o. On top of that, the water is pristine and is often so clear that you can see well over 100 yards!