The Pastoral Training Institute
Accra, Ghana
In 2014 I received an invitation to go to Ghana and teach at a fairly new Bible College that was located in the capital city of Accra. I traveled to Ghana where for 2 successive years I taught for two weeks. The students were enthusiastic and asked many questions– a professor’s dream. The time was gratifying and inspiring. We met in a church in the barrios of the city. The streets were not paved and were very rutted, add to that, there was electricity only during the day. The first year I was there the floor of the church was packed dirt. By the second year they had a new concrete floor and curtains on the windows. The students were very poor but very dedicated. We met for about 6 hours a day 5 days a week for two weeks. The first year I taught introduction to Theology, the second year was a survey of Church History. While I did stay in a nice hotel (a step or two above Motel 6) the Hotel had a 10 foot high concrete wall surrounding the premises and razor wire at the top of the wall, and it did have a generator after the power in the city went out every night.