I was raised in fundamentalism/conservative Evangelicalism (i.e. by the time I got to college the more open wing of fundamentalism was already morphing into what would become conservative Evangelicalism). As far as salvation is concerned my tradition was of the Calvinistic bent—we believed in eternal security. But when it came to sanctification I was taught […]
A few weeks ago, my wife was talking with a cute, adorable and precocious seven year old girl. The topic? How can I know for sure that God exists? This was not mere intellectual curiosity; she was being pulled in two opposite directions. Her dad and step-mother are devout believers. Her mom and her step-father are non-believers. […]
Throughout my childhood and college education I was taught that if you can’t explain it you don’t know it. In other words, knowledge consists in the ability to describe propositionally a thing, idea, experience, or whatever. If you can’t do this you don’t know what you are talking about. This is the Enlightenment view that […]