My introduction to C.S. Lewis’s The Great Divorce came when I was a senior in college, up to that time I my experience with Lewis had been limited to his Mere Christianity and The Chronicles of Narnia. The Great Divorce came to me in a most unexpected way. On my 21st birthday my then girlfriend gave me a copy of The Great Divorce as […]
Even after nearly 46 years of marriage, I still tease my wife on occasion saying, “You/She is not from “dis” country.” And this is true. She was born in the Amazon jungle in Peru. Her parents were with Wycliffe Bible Translators—in fact her Dad, Herb Fuqua was the first Agriculturist missionary with Wycliffe. He was personally recruited […]
I first became acquainted with the works of Michael Heiser two or three years ago. Someone, I do not remember who, recommended Heiser’s work Supernatural: What the Bible Teaches About the Unseen World – and Why It Matters. I was intrigued. I immediately logged onto Amazon and bought a copy of the Kindle edition (I didn’t want […]
Just this morning I finished reading N. T. Wright’s recent book, The Day the Revolution Began. In this volume Wright weaves together conclusions of themes that he has presented in several previous volumes and in so doing presents on a larger tapestry the earth-shattering significance of the crucifixion of Jesus. While my Th.M. was done in New […]
I had heard the name of Kenneth E. Bailey for years, but since my areas of research, teaching and writing over the past twenty-five years have focused in the areas of Theology and Church History I had never gotten around to reading any of his many works on biblical era culture and how understanding that […]
This afternoon Kay and I went to see the one-man show “C.S. Lewis, The Most Reluctant Convert.” I have of course been a Lewis fan since I was introduced to Lewis when I was in High School and delved deeply into his writings in college. Over the years I have read numerous biographies of Lewis—each from […]