Sacred Saga Ministries

Connecting You to God's Unending Work


Essays by Doctor Sawyer

The Kingdom: When?

This is the a copy of the transcript of my presentation at a virtual (zoom) men’s conference in June 2020 Several weeks ago, my wife, Kay, was sitting on the sofa reading in the gospels. She looked up at me and said “Listen to this” she proceeded to read me…

The Virgin Birth: Why is it important?

The Virgin Birth: Why is it important? The reality of the Virgin Birth has been affirmed by the church at least since the writing of the gospels of Matthew and Luke.  It is affirmed in the Church’s earliest creedal affirmation: The Old Roman Symbol (or the Roman Baptismal Creed) dating from…

C.S. Lewis, Theology and The Trinity (part 1)

My first introduction to C.S. Lewis came decades ago in the context of an apologetics presentation during my high school years. The speaker invoked Lewis’s famous trilemma concerning the identity of Jesus Christ. I am trying here to prevent anyone saying the really foolish thing that people often say about…

C.S. Lewis, Theology and The Trinity (part 2)

Mere Theology Lewis spent his professional life first as an Oxford don finally as a Cambridge professor. He never had any formal theological training. But he was a tireless reader, and he absorbed the classics, including the great works of the Church Fathers. He even wrote the introductory article to…

C.S. Lewis, Theology and The Trinity (part 3)

The Centrality of the Trinity The intellectual setting of the early 20th century in the West was culturally hostile to Christianity and dismissive of the deity of Christ and with it the doctrine of God as trinity. Even in the Church the doctrine of the trinity had fallen on hard times.…

Justification, Sanctification and Theosis

I was raised in fundamentalism/conservative Evangelicalism (i.e. by the time I got to college the more open wing of fundamentalism was already morphing into what would become conservative Evangelicalism). As far as salvation is concerned my tradition was of the Calvinistic bent—we believed in eternal security. But when it came…

Faith, Certainty and Idolatry (part 1)

A few weeks ago, my wife was talking with a cute, adorable and precocious seven year old girl. The topic? How can I know for sure that God exists? This was not mere intellectual curiosity; she was being pulled in two opposite directions. Her dad and step-mother are devout believers. Her mom…

Faith, Certainty and Idolatry (part 2)

Throughout my childhood and college education I was taught that if you can’t explain it you don’t know it. In other words, knowledge consists in the ability to describe propositionally a thing, idea, experience, or whatever. If you can’t do this you don’t know what you are talking about. This…